The time has come for us to tell you about how much we adore Elephant and Piggie.

We came across these after a customer recommendation, so we bought a few and have been huge fans ever since and it is very rare for us not to have Elephant and Piggie at a book fair. They are the most brilliant series of picture books possibly ever about two friends and here is why: 1. They make excellent read aloud books
Whenever I have a book fair I try to read to as many children as possible and my go-to book for practically the whole of a primary or lower school will be an Elephant & Piggie book. I love the pace of the story, showing children how to use a pause for dramatic effect and the children's reactions to their hilarious antics. They are so much fun.
2. They are funny
I have read some of these books over a hundred times, and that is no exaggeration, but yet I still giggle every time, and I have to say I am not much of a laugh out loud kind of person.
3. They are brilliant books for children learning to read
The language is simple to read but because they are such great stories children WANT to read them and that is the magic trick to getting children to read isn't it?
4.There is always a lesson in the story but it is never a forced message but just a gentle nudge on how we can make things better
From a simple saying please to stop someone annoying you, to sharing and showing kindness, there is always something to learn from these two gurus.
5. Every book is about friendship
They are not perfect friends all of the time, just like the rest of us, but together they show us the beauty of friendships and how special they can be.