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How to Spot a Mum is a tongue-in-cheek tribute and ode to all mums, everywhere. Young readers and parents alike can learn all about mums, from what they are (super-humans!), to some of the special skills they have, including detecting fibs, solving mysteries and conflict resolution.
This beautifully illustrated book is the perfect ‘Spotter’s Guide’ to mums. You’ll discover that all mums are unique, and you’ll meet many different types of mum – from the Outdoorsy Mum who loves fresh air and the Chatty Mum who’s always got a story, to the Rebel Mum who never reads the instructions. You may spot yourself, or your own mum on the pages, too!

How to Spot a Mum

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    Little English Bookworm

    Ophelia Gartside

    Steuernummer 48217695372DE

    Firmen-Identnummer: 979083

    64673 Germany

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